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Old 01-05-06, 12:33 AM   #1
Tha Q.
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This new horror flick "Hostel" and a shift back to classic horror


I was just reading about this new movie called "Hostel" that opens up this Friday. It's made by the same people who brought us "Cabin Fever." This movie, along with the recent "Saw", "Saw II", and "Devil's Rejects" marks a return of Hollywood to classic 1970s horror. I read this on Yahoo news. However, I had already begun to see the shift back to classic horror a couple years ago. If you didn't already know, most horror movies made in the past 8-10 years incorporated humor into most scenes to diffuse the "intense" horror sequences. The classic movie "Scream" was one of the 1st, if not the 1st, horror movie to be self-referential and ironic. Before then, horror movies were all serious and very cliche. After Scream, one-liners and qitty commentary was as much of the "horror" as the "horror" itself. Well, look for that to come to an end soon. Current and future horror movies out of Hollywood will be returning to it's roots of more blood/gore and less humor, if any. They, as I've always known, are realizing that the "reality factor" of horror movies is what truly makes it scary to us. Three headed monsters simply aren't frightening.

I plan to go see "Hostel" this weekend, God willing. If I don't see that, I'll def. go see "Brokeback Mountain."


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