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Old 01-05-06, 03:50 PM   #63
jr freeze
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Posts: 1

Voted For: Natural killa

Natural cant learn text, like a manakin your just a fake head...
Killa ya easy to "burn" like toast now its time to "break-bread"...
When your rappin' your like a liar, becuase nobody likes a fib...
Man I could be a Vampire and still I would never bite this kid...
All you conduct is weak rhymes your gonna lose this competition...
Natural Killda come up with shorted-out bars like an electrician...
Startin' to get old your raps repeat like listenin' to a Furby...
Killa's bars are fallin' apart like cars in a Demolition Derby...
"Tracks" are played like Kerby, skills aint seen like the Lord...
My raps run you over like a "train" yours keep us "all-a-BORED"...
^^good closer

just happenin' to get worse,cuz all your doing is babbling words,
ya' got 49 wins...but too bad those all came from battling herbs
^^^Good personal in the opener
A style that'll never be heard,is in'll never go nice,
Your style's been milked out..but you still lost to oreo..twice
^^^lol good
Ya' flow sure isn't tight,no way we'd ever call you an emcee,
Cuz on the site,You only got recognized.....for LOSING TO ME
^^^Good personal
& again,ur Getting chewed up by me..why don't u give it a rest?,
Wanna merk me on Nk?,please...c'mon..just admit,your OBSESSED
So Just quit,you can't contest..with anyone,not even with the worst,
And if your shit's ever dope,then we know u've just bit a' verse
^^^good closer

V/nK.....this was an ight battle....but g u camee unconsistent in ur punchs an hate....nk u came wit some good witty fresh punchs an good wordplay u get my vote V/nk