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Old 01-05-06, 04:37 PM   #7
New to RV
Posts: 58
From: Auckland, New Zealand

Voted For: Tech

my vote.

im judging on flow, punches and rhyming.

FLOW: It did seem tech's rhymes flowed very fluently. the rhymes all hit at the right time. Jae Mattics did but not on every line.

PUNCHES: Jae Mattic had some aiight disses and so did Tech. But tech your punches hit harder than mattics.

RHYMES: this is the most important in my book. I look for rhymes that are more technique and the rhymes jae mattic used are not unique at all. i've herad ppl rhyme place,face and won,son by 8 year olds hu got them out of nursery rhymes. Tech definitely had more unique rhymes so he gets this one.

That leads it to 3-0 to TECH in my voting count.

MY VOTE goes to TECH.
..It Is What It Is..