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Old 01-05-06, 05:08 PM   #7
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by cu cullian
please please please show me this list of top 10 most important thingz to be a catholic or sum shit cause yous are jus taklin bullshit yous are just choosin wats most important for the sake of the arguement

Either you are just a COMPLETE dumbass, or you haven't read the Bible (which also leads back to you being a dumbass because you say you're a Christian). If you've read the Bible at all you'd notice that it's split into 2 sections; the Old Testament and the New Testament. Guess what the second part is about? Jesus. But, of course, the Bible was just split up like that for no fucking reason at all. Are you fucking retarded? If you don't believe that Jesus is God's son then you aren't a fucking Christian. That's fine, and there's nothing wrong with not being a Christian, but quit acting like you know what you're talking about. You are just.. stupid as fuck.

Originally Posted by cu cullian
oh and where did i say i never beleived in god...................

Where did I say that you didn't believe in God? Quit manipulating my posts you fucking retard. I said that believing Jesus is God's son, and believing that he came down to save us or whatever the fuck, is the second biggest part of Christianity. That being next to believing that God exists. I NEVER said you didn't believe in God you fucking faggot.

Originally Posted by cu cullian
n i hav no idea wat im tlkain bout lmfao u the 1 that just bleeives everythin your told like u bleeive that america never went to iraq for oil lmfao ye man they really went for the goodness of the iraqi people lmfao stfu n u never know wtf u tlakin bout apexx owned the fuck outta u in the aids thread n all u cud come bk wit was i just bleieve wat i believe

I don't believe everything I'm told. It'd require you to know me in person to make that kind of assumption. The only fucking things you know about me, in terms of my viewpoints on certain topics, is the ones that I engage in debates in. You're just making shit up to try and discredit my arguement, but, once again, you're failing completely because you're just fucking stupid.

And LMFAO @ you bringing the Iraqi war into this thread. It's not like that's irrevelant or anything. And no, Apexx didn't "own" me in the AIDs thread. APEXX DIDN'T BRING ANYTHING TO THE FUCKING TABLE. All he did was type shit out and claim it was facts. I could say "Well, cu cullian, you're country has about 13.315346% increase in deaths of children during childbirth, due to the slight drops of cyanide put onto the needle. While your government officials state that this will help children develop, it's quite obvious they're using it as a form of population control." ANYBODY CAN MAKE SHIT UP OFF THE TOP OF THEIR HEAD, YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Apexx didn't even come CLOSE to owning me.

But please, try to stay on topic. Lmao. You're a fucking queer, dude.
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