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Old 01-10-06, 05:16 PM   #1
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL
Hmm don't know if this is discussion worthy, but..


I believe that suffering is a neccecity in life. I read this book in the library at my school and it said, "you're master of your emotions, you decide what reaction becomes of any event". So of course I did it and no matter what I thought about I couldn't get any emotion. Due to the fact that my emotions became some sort of toggle switch, I felt empty. It just didnt feel good anymore. My spirits lifted to the point where it felt like I was being strangled. My breaths were so close apart. It's kinda returning now that I'm typing it, but it sort of raised a question in my mind. I believe happiness is most achieved through pursuit and desire. If we never suffered then we couldn't feel happy. =/ the end?
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