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Old 01-14-06, 08:49 AM   #13
Beginning Your Ending
Posts: 1,236

u breakin ya name down for us. but see, u ain't big
Define wack? u took care of it for me in ya sig


Im the king, but Ill give you crowns from broken teeth, observe
Quit rap an be a dentist, then youll get payed to get on our nerves
SOBE plz plz plz stop being so wack, I mean, look at what you wrote
Its your fault we'll tie this battle, cause aint no one left to vote

I felt this was a very one sided battle actually, Sobe came ass and he knows it. I think he was expecting Spek to drop completely wack, but he came more consistent. Spek's wording lets him down though, the dentist punch could have been dope as fuck, but as it were it was pretty nice. He came pretty consistent with the jabs but Sobe didn't really have anything apart from the define wack punch which in itself is pretty played. Thje crown punch was cool but played.

V/ Spektikul
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