Thread: 3 new beats!!!
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Old 01-18-06, 05:50 PM   #7
One Mic
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Posts: 1,437
From: UK

lmao. yerr, im feelin that reality check one, that piano melody is pretty sick yo. could add some more twists to the drum beat, like add a few crash symbols or sumthin, just to spice it up abit. but apart from that its a dope beat.

that sadly funky one's pretty decent aswell. it's creative and it's just got kind of a nice vibe to it. it does get abit repetitive after a while though, you could change the melody for a couple of bars or sumthin, to get abit of a change from that main part. gud job, still though

that hearing voices one's got like sort of a grimy feel to it. i could see myself spittin to this one actually. yerr everythin fits in together well, and the main drum beats decent.

nice beats yo, elevated alot from the last time i hurd your beats
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