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Old 01-18-06, 11:28 PM   #14
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Are you fuckin serious?

Of course.. its an EXTREMELY Godless society.

2000 years back, almost everyone would have been stoned to death or some shit. In case you havent noticed, religion evolves just like technology. Everytime theres a new invention that saves us a bit of time or lets us do something without getting up, theres a new interperetation of religion (within chrisitanity mostly) that says its OK to do something classed as a sin.

As a race, people just arent honest anymore. Christians wont "say the lords name in vain" but they'll have sex, lie, cheat, kill and steal... and remember gluttony? Yeah its still a sin. But americans eat like theres no tomorrow while 3rd world countries wish their rice fields would grow and their water wasnt polluted.

Im not even a christian, but ive studied religion and the bible... Its so obvious the worlds take on shit is twisted.

Im not one to judge, I mean, I steal as many chocolate cakes as the next man... but this shit is all obvious.
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