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Old 01-19-06, 03:19 PM   #4
Light Weight
*Antic*'s Avatar
Posts: 243

I'll 'use a 9' to jack a 'twenty' spot from 'this bitch'...
I'll 'abuse ya mind' and jar it like I'm shakin' this 'infant'//

His style played out like some terrorist 'bomb threats'...
Like he walkin' on mine fields I'll blow up his 'concepts'//

Like crime 'rulin streets' I'll 'pull his teeth' n 'rip out jaws'
Make'um 'git outlawed' like cops search 'without cause'//

Like shirts 'with no bras' I bounce this bitch 'under cover'
I'll leave this 'Oedipus' jealous like I 'fucked yer mother'//
Overall Net Text Record ~ 30-12 w/24 K.O.s

Overall Net Audio Record ~ 3-3 w/ 3 K.O.s