Thread: Excalibur
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Old 01-22-06, 01:18 AM   #1
Posts: 173



Facing a slaughter grabs a basin of water and shave
Kind of brave wash my face then march a pace to enslave
Cats after battles, master saddles //loyal behavior but need
a royal favor from the king, helped my neighbor get bling indeed
“So king I’m hurling friction but need Merlin the magician
To grant me EXCALIBUR then I can go on a swirling mission”
“Well you’ll have to win the knife to end the life of your enemies
You can’t be an earthly man and see worthy plans to clean vicinities
To summon him will send the streets twirling you are beneath Merlin”
“Yes king this thing I understand so bring the man” Destiny sweet no curving
Back now the facts somehow stood good before me EXCALIBUR must
Be mine then I can thrust red wine, feast, celebrate never foul to her trust
The blunder was exciting all the thunder and lightning thought was a whack
Joke Merlin appears out of a cloud of black smoke like Highlander on attack
Must stop the misled and chop off heads with a nice knife and get stronger
With wet hunger to do it again plenty satisfaction many benefactions longer
Merlin spoke to the sea as I hope to be powerful with a blade it’s sharp
Ill and mean like a guillotine Merlin had a rigged plan the water part
A big hand held a dagger and tossed it to shore it will cost more
To remove it from the stone it stood I grooved along good hardcore
thinking this will be easy
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