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Old 01-22-06, 05:48 PM   #3
Middle Weight
H.D.'s Avatar
Posts: 490
From: Raven's Nest

In space light is insignificant even though it's limitless
Take for instantance the fact the stars in pockets of gas
Vast cast brilliant reflective waves shimmering across gallaxies
The fact that light exist is sort of a fallacy, seeing is believing
Those decieving see space is an empty void, dark and desalinate
Barren yet filled with chucks of planetery pieces pulled through it murk
A chaos set astray when GOD forgot the forces he put at work
Results beserk, creative and destructive forces aligned
Space is good and evil in and outside the mind
Space itself is dark but many suns provide the light
Gravitational pulls make dust collide, and in that bring life
However meteors and astroriods turn rocks to ash and viods
All that is created and deployed in done in space
Matter isn't created or destroyed just changes shapes
Space is every entity's boundry and there's no escape


Spilled Inc.

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