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Old 01-23-06, 12:16 PM   #8
Posts: 1,169

*this is me mad*

wtf is wrong with taking a concept from comedy central
do you know how many phrases, quotes, cliches, jokes
are ALL concepts we read everyday?
He said that shit to courtney love for fucking goodness sakes
it wasnt on NO rap song, freestyle or ANY other site
so whoever thinks thats a bite better not ever watch TV again
only person who really had a problem with me turning a joke into a concept is
a. Robkilla ( who was trying to advance so i understand that)
b. mimesis
^^^ why? i dont know. maybe he realizes he might be facing me soon and just agreed for the sake of getting me out the way. i aint mad at that
but wtf? its a joke which applied to my "in luv wit a stripper" theme
not a rap battle bite, it had nothing to do with rap and wasnt done on RV before so stfu with that nonsense before i go surfing for ALL concepts of yours not originally conceived by YOU.
so thanks for giving fux a bullshit personal but......
sorry guys hotshh! is no biter, go attack jayz or something
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