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Old 01-23-06, 04:27 PM   #221
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

Originally Posted by allik war
y's u wish this thread was originally about u.

Ok, im not going to hate, im not goign to diss you, im not goign to be immature and call you names, im niot goign to try and be net tough.
Im going to simply prove you wrong,with evidentual facts. If you cant accept you were wrong,then it summerizes this entire thread.

here, is your original post. About me.

Originally Posted by allik war
Rapdog21 [8:10 PM]: put it like this im sure everyone's seen the disney movie tarzan.....rite?
puregenious2 [8:11 PM]: umm yeh
Rapdog21 [8:11 PM]: here's a metaphor 4 your n other peeps understanding since my essays r 2 hard 4 ya'll 2 comprehend...that muthafucka was rasied in the wild by animals so he lived his life as 1 rite cuz thats all he knew...rite?
puregenious2 [8:12 PM]: shut up
Rapdog21 [8:12 PM]: well i lived around blacks and puerto ricans my whole life so shit rubs off get me yet?y shut-up cuz its the simple truth?
puregenious2 [8:12 PM]: yes shut up cuz its simple truth
puregenious2 [8:12 PM]: bro i dont care
puregenious2 [8:13 PM]: fuck up
Rapdog21 [8:13 PM]: no thats where your wrong you do care cause u spent almost an hour tryin 2 change me n wut i say n who i am
so therefore u do care
puregenious2 [8:14 PM]: ok
puregenious2 [8:14 PM]: die slow
Rapdog21 [8:14 PM]: im sry a ford explorer hittin me at 50-50 miles an hour barely shook me u think ur cruel words of die slow is?

puregenious2 [8:15 PM]: wtf have you been smoking
puregenious2 [8:15 PM]: good bye
puregenious2 signed off at 8:15 PM

this is a convo between me n poetic........

Basically, I think you have forgotten your original arguement and have simply been enjoyign arguing with people. I admit, its entertaining at times, But fall back bro. This time( if not all the rest) your wrong with your assumtions.

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