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Old 01-24-06, 12:43 PM   #230
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

Originally Posted by allik war
onestepbeyond u bitch ur rite i did say dat after u came 2 me n a heartbroken cuz i aint left rv yet fuckin pussy u honestly think n e of u hatin faggots gonna run me off this site? guess again punk! terumoto again i thank u for u rply in my om but dont go actin like i cant rap i cant rap perfectly if u morons would give peeps a chance instead of runnin ya mouth talkin/startin shit over the net you'd see everyone on this site got some type of skill whether its beat making,freestyles,battles,flowing in general,making signature,etc...and if u think eminem aint as much of a wigga as me n the ext white person like us then u need 2 jump off his dickmr. i want 2 be ken kaniff wit eminem u fuckin homo ass ignorant stupid muthafucka bottomline fuck u hataz i knoe im real

You're white....

88 miles per hour should do it.
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