Thread: Oz. vs. shodown
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Old 01-24-06, 06:22 PM   #5
Above Originality
Posts: 2,757
The Catching Tears.


The Catching Tears

So defined in existence left with fear in fifth gear
As soon as the sun sets a new day starts to tear.
Descending upon pain, held guilty upon thy RAIN
For the four seasons of loneliness begins with Rushed pain.
Sailing so softly in a downward spiral, as if in shame
No one yet to remember of the past so forgotten is your name.
Scented Failure drenched on thy body of innocence
All eye’s on you as fakeness of love falls in remembrance.
Slowly dripping on the shy face of essential Degrade
Bullied and picked on with no friends in every GRADE.
Colored racists flaring, every one pin pointing at one another
Not thinking before they act as they notice there the lonely other.
No food on thy table. For what table is there to begin with
For I am the lone ranger sailing on thy own on the LONELY SHIP.
Ocean crashing against the rocks as I wake up to a new day
But nothing ever changes thy way so I may say until today.
As I watched how the rocks stopped the waves with it’s touched
I reminisced of a time where I had that feeling and loved it so much.
For then where has it gone, for why has it thy left me alone
Leaving me stranded and drenched in pain with no pain feeling COLD.
For it was not thy fault. It was me all along for I had not seen.
Drenched my soul is the ascending water. As if I was in a river stream.
Solemnly though I swear upon your faithfulness SEAM
To one’s eye’s in surprise as I glide on this believable BEAM.
As you and I collide to be one thy sight of happiness is Keen
With you help of guiding and my will to believe brings us as a tag team.
In an endless scheme of endless DREAMS there’s no fear HERE
As I float atop the ocean I call my OWN dream. The catching tears.
Chryme Syndicate
-Chalkin' Up Your Future
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