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Old 01-26-06, 05:33 PM   #15
Please excuse My Sickness
Posts: 1,437


I Liked your piece but I can tell that it was written like right on the spot so it did seem kinda rushed and that seem to me to limit your creativity and to lower your use of vocabulary which is not a big deal but yet is a factor...I Think you did well but you couldve done better you kinda swayed off someways in the middle so thats why i couldnt give my v to you


Drama Queen
Ok first of all This here

"I love you but you are not mine.
You belong to them.
I’ll always be the one you never spoke of"

Was the best line of your drop I feel that it kinda tied in to exactly what that girl was thinkin you pulled out what most people wouldnt see in the picture which I feel was and is a great talent and you stayed focus on yout topic and you connected well with your vocab so that why I give my v/ to YOU

My v/ DQ

Nice battle

One Love

*Bridging The Rap*

Stanza Productions *Dem City Boys*