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Old 01-26-06, 10:30 PM   #4
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

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This is ok, I personally wasnt really feeling the topic, (street fighter fan addict) but your rhymes are ok, flow is reasonable, I could spit it and it would work well together.

Get rid of // just looks gay bro. Yoru structure is kinda mixed up, you have alot of paragraphs but just a few verses, so try keep each verse solid together in each paragraph.

rhymes could be a lot better, could fo come thru with more emotion and more imagery, try keeping your bar lengths even syllable counts. You start off with roughly 12 syllable bar then switch up to 5 or 6 syllable bars.
Keeping syllable length will basicall make it "text flow" better, and also have a better presentation, seen as this is a text peice, the way it looks comes into play.

Anyway, ok drop, not the best, not the worst.

keep dropping.
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