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Old 01-27-06, 10:26 AM   #28
Middle Weight
H.D.'s Avatar
Posts: 490
From: Raven's Nest

Voted For: *Antic*

Nothing rhymes with lead in Antic's 4th line... Rhyming is the name of the game... over everything else you have to rhyme... this is what rapping is... it's rhyming while carrying a topic, in this case it's a battle... but you still have to rhyme... and the more complicated you do it the more impressive it is... but in teh end all be all you have to rhyme...

However punch for punch Antic was far more creative than Tech, and had the far more original punches... and since alot of what Tech said was rather played... Antic's punches also hit alot harder... and the name play personals were ok as well...

Opener: Antic
Closer: Antic
Punches: Antic
Personals: Antic
Creativity: Antic
Complexity: Antic
Sturucture: Neither
Enjoyment: Antic

Vote: Antic


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