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Old 01-27-06, 07:48 PM   #9
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by Critic
You know what to an extent some of this I agree with, but black people
as a race needs to fix up...

For a start we need to stop thinking that our governments conspirer
against us because they really don't, What would they gain ?

I know a lot of people that hate white people but why should they ?
why is it fair for us to be racist ? but when a white persons racist it's
wrong ?

It's just like someone's sexuality, how can you possibly hate gay people
they are born like that, just like I was born black it's not a disease and
I can honestly say I wouldn't change it for the world.

We are the minority but if we helped each other then maybe we could
make the next step, stay in school and start thinking positive, get an

My grandparents left the Caribbean on a Banana boat to give their
children a better life in the western world, my grandfather worked his
heart out providing for his children. So when the time came the
same foundations are imbedded in them.

Our ancestors had it hard, faced racism head on, do you really think
that they died just so we can sit on our arse and expect everything
to be handed to us ?

We have a chance to make something of ourselves nothing can hold
you back apart from yourself ! work for a better future so our children
can finally appreciate what our ancestors did for us, and not hate
the people that oppressed them.

Peace fams and stay up


I agree with most of that, except the government part. You really don't know half of it, most peopel don't even know about it. There's a reason why pac shouted "killuminati". Google illuminati. The fact that the KKK isnt considered a gang, the fact that our problems are ignored, the way the system is set up.. everything. You need to understand it, cause you ARE from london. And on some real shit, this generation of minorities completly fucked it up. And you being black doesn't give you the right to generalize our people either.
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