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Old 01-27-06, 11:32 PM   #18
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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From: So. Killa Kali

Originally Posted by Hopesfall
Uncle Sam is a fictional character you tard.

And i dont really know what you guys are complaining about. There always was racism, theres always going to be racism. You think racist white people are going to just "give up" and start understanding what you, the people they hate, are saying?

Its not like you're slaves anymore, you have all of the rights i do as a white male, if anything, you have more because of what your ancestors suffered. Which is ridiculous, we have to kiss YOUR ass, when YOU didnt even suffer. I dont even know what the hell my ancestors went through, but they probably suffered persecution at one point or another also, but im not demanding money for it, and frankly, i dont give a shit. What happened to ANYONE who was persecuted is wrong, and shitty, but hey, its over and it doesnt affect us now. So move on.

We only complain because our people are supposed to be sooooo equal when you know damn well that's not true. Lots of shit eventually gets blamed on black people. For example, people are under the illusion that a bunch of black people are on welfare and it's all our fault that the country has to pay for it when in all actuality, white people are on welfare more than black people even by the percentages.

Plus, the fact that our people were oppressed leaves us with almost no history. For a 200 year block in time, all my history is some slave songs, some rebellions and a couple smart black folks' essays. You white people however have that whole period of time to advance as a society and gain knowledge. Then when we weren't under slavery anymore, YOUR people thought my people were idiots because they never had the chance and all that shit carries to this day.

I don't dislike white people or want to "complain" but the shit that is the truth gets looked down on as if it isn't such. I can't even try to speak truth without getting a bunch of sarcasm 99% of the time.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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