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Old 01-27-06, 11:54 PM   #30
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by Hopesfall
Dude, Indeph, you're gay. Shut up, and leave the conversation.

Im actually understanding Soc, and im putting my two cents in on the situation. THAT is the point of the thread, to try and understand each others point of views and why, etc etc. Your last two posts have said "do you know what this thread is about? LMGMGG im fucking gay"

So shut up and die.

But yes, Socness. Alright alright, i get where you're coming from now. But what i dont understand, is why if you all have such a "mutual" dislike for the way you're being treated in society etc etc, it shouldnt be that hard to unite right?

Umm no, you were the 1st to come in here and accuse us for blaiming whites for everything. You leave the conversation.
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