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Old 01-28-06, 12:00 AM   #32
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by Socrates
The problem is everyone is too concerned with being feared and "keeping it real". They all want to get money for themselves to buy shit they want because diamonds and rims are so damn shiny. No race, not one, would have the pacience (sp?) for a full scale reform in todays age of instant everything, so when it comes up in front of most black folks they all say it would be nice yet don't see the realization of it.

IMO, of course.

It doesn't seem like people care anymore. All the older generations just are mad at our youth. And our youth are growing up on the music that completly kills their spirits. To me, the people who are down for this shit, are the ones who gotta feel alone all the time. Nowadays there's either a group of blacks that are successful and hate other blacks, and a group of blacks that like black people, but are in gangs. And the division between us couldn't be deeper. People are focusing on our negatives, EVEN us. There's always been people who werent down with the movement and people who were. Only now, the people who aren't get media play and the people who are, like al sharpton and jesse jackson, are complete retards.
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