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Old 01-28-06, 07:50 PM   #16
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

it is ass on macs, and macs are by far the best to use when it comes to making music and editing e.t.c.

as for my comment on this mic, i dont rate a mic on what kinda ppl will use it, i rate a mic on quality, yeah its a decent mic but its not the best, even for its price range it isnt the best.... how am i ignorant??? people praising this mic like its the god of all mics when its far from it.... id rather invest my money into a behringer b2 and a decent mixer(the mic will be the same price, u will need to pay extra for the mixer) and have better quality.

im currently using a cheap condenser and pre-amp, so i dont have no studio, but when i start my new job.. im investing into, a new mic(rhode nt1 i think), mixer, compresser, de-esser, new headphones, some monitors, a sampler, turntables, new soundcard, all new leads.

hardware works a million times better than software..... so if u want the best quality u can get, then u need to be willing to part with sum cash, simple as.
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