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Old 01-29-06, 04:17 PM   #4
Zone Out
Power Hungry
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Posts: 5,430
From: Westside Detroit

Originally Posted by leady
first of all... wat does how many songs sum1 have on .click have to do with anything???

More experience in makin songs

one person cud only do songs for the net and upload everything he does, where as the other cud be saving songs for a CD or whatever, and also could have deleted alot of stuff.

if he deleted alot of stuff then that proves my case even more. that means he REALLY got more songs then I have.
Yeah, I DO have songs that I havent uploaded on the net. Prolly like around 9 or 10

i mean if i kept EVERYTHING i uploaded to soundclick id now have like.... actually i dunno, too much though..

as for the talking shit bit, you should know why, you do enough of it... seriously.

and this aint even tryna cause arguments, im bored of it, id rather stop the argueing tbh because it is really old now, coming on and typing the same shit every post. so if u make one your bitchy replies sounding like ur on ur period, dont expect a respones.

Shut the fuck up.
really, I would merk the shit out of you too, leady
and dont say I wont cos I will

Rap Extraordinaire

Originally Posted by strobe
If you do kegel excercises, you would be able to do something similar without having to hold your tip shut with your hand. After you've been doing them, hold off ejaculating as long as you can to really let the pressure build and then aim for your girlfriend's eye and let 'er rip.. You might get lucky and shoot her eye out. That's probably exaggerating it a bit, but it will still be hilarious
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