Thread: Fighting
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Old 01-31-06, 10:35 PM   #10
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

Originally Posted by JTR
Aint you the kid who has arguing with me about boxing? Mr. I know it all when it comes to fighting. Well, If I wanted to drop YOU, don, I'd hit you in the kidney, one hard and accurate shot, to your kidney, and you should drop on the first hit, IF I catch you off gaurd, and your nervous system hasn't already shutdown. If I was already fighting you though, it'd be hard to hit your kidney (because it's located on the side of your lower back) but, I can always go for your neck, punching you in the middle of your neck might is always a good idea. That could cuz you to pause and gasp for air, giving me time to deliver a right hook to your temple. I can also rigt hook your ridcage, that will knock the air right out of your lungs, thus making you pause, and then like that I can also deliver a right hook to your temple. Now, go try it out on your little sister or something.

im not askin for tips for me i was jus talkin with my friends today about it and everybody does different stuff. seein wat all you do, not askin for tips on fighting i dont need it
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