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Old 02-03-06, 12:21 AM   #1
The Original Half Ass King
Spektikul's Avatar
Posts: 5,165
From: Canada
Survivor Panama: Exile Island


Thats right, another season of real survivor has begun and OMFG is it ever fucking good already.

Episode 1 was aired this evening and I suggest you check it out when they re-run it this weekend or next week.

So many new twists already!!

They are gunna have a bunch of challenges for banishment throughout this season, when you get banished, you have to live on some island by yourslef with hardly any supplies.

As a twist to that twist, there is an immunity idol hidden somewhere on the Exile (banishment) island. If they find the idol, they dont have to say anything to anyone, they may use it at anytime. But unlike the last survivor, they may use it AFTER the votes at a tribal council have been read, which means if the person gets officially voted out and they have the idol, they may use it. From there, the person with the 2nd most votes is gone.

ANOTHER new twist, they still have 16 participants, but, this time there are 4 tribes of 4. AND each tribes name is...Old Men, Young Men, Old Women, Young Women...whereas there tribe name related to their ages and genders.

I wont tell you what happens unless you wanna know...but you should go check it out for yourself. Even if you dont like the shit, Im sure you will take an interest in this one.