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Old 02-03-06, 01:36 AM   #8
Posts: 1,112
From: Right here.

Types his shit on wordpad, cuz he realised on a Mic-W.O.-Soft
Wicked wack n shit,
He dont think but that’s why people always scroll past his drops
..ok, first off "Mic-W.O.-Soft" is too forced of wordplay. that word doesn't even have "wo" anywhere in it. so having to change the spelling makes it look bad. as for the punch, weak comp joke. shits play'd, but not too bad..
Long ago this kid had flopped,so fall back and take a beat,coward
Cuz wicked so fat, he sit down…and chair acts like Leaning Tower
..yea, ok concept, but the wording was terrible. work on the set ups and finishes..
Don’t get started,cuz 1v1 verse ya its still consider handicap,man
But fuck it, ill cut some fat from you….
…and put it next ta ya arms for helping hands that was gay. the concept was lame and punch didn't even affect your opponent..
Shit im waying ya down for the next person, like Denver did to Bus
He rides cuz he does what JTR says…and really does bite the dust
..yea, this concept was nice, but the wording, yo. keep working on wording shit..
Fat bust, I haven’t drop in forever but for you ill scrape off the rust
For how many badlines ya bit, all ya mouth does….is rap-a-lot of yuk
..naw. that was stupid. "rap-a-lot of yuk".. that wasn't cool man and you know it. work on the concepts, homie..


Fuck this kid....known to try and key up and comes played
Kid I ain't use to talkin shit so I guess I won't say ya name this was cool. good wording, but the concept is a lil play'd, but executed well..
I'll send punches swingin at this mail, I know you're shook
Cuz i treat foes microsoft...doesnt even matter the outlook
..hmm, i think better wording would have been good here. work on that..
Dude you're just horrible.......I drink your punches for lunch
What's that not even Jesus could Savior punch! this was so bit/flipped. plus, the wording was shit..
Sport couldn't catch me like injured athletes ya benched sir
Like reality TV shows, wick's never gonna be a "Contender"*
..aiight. not bad. try to think of more wittier punches and dump. that shit wasn't bad though, just more fresh shit..
Wipe your brow, because I already know it's drippin w/ sweat
Ya rap career reminds me of MJ in basketball...nothin but net yea, pretty dope. i think i've seen something similar to this, but you worded different and good. good shit and this was totally different from the line you bit..


Who the fuck are u two?, I'll murder both yall dudes...
U'll feel so many of my punches that Stimpy'll have black eyes too... i like that shit. witty punch. niice..
These cats like the chix, but did they mention they like it with a heavy mix of dicks...
So both yall betta run your ass off like you was Forrest Gump... this didn't even rhyme and it made no freakin sense. lol..
Plain and simple both ur skills are wack like karate for Chuck Norris...
Your guys are still looking for Grants like Horris...
..haha. aiight. this wasn't bad, but better wording..
Even a hotty with no tits would say your lyrics are flat...
While yo big titty girlfriend laugh’n you fuck’n fear it, but fact...
..umm, naw dude. this shit was lame, all the way around..
And I don’t mean to be funny with a satirical rap...
I’ll bring more terror to battles with these bitches than several years in Iraq...
..yea, ok. weak punch, and meh wording. work on fresh punches and better wording..
These bastards are lame and couldn’t blow up playing with gas and flames...
..umm, wtf?..
Once you lose to me I hope you cats picture my ruthless grin...
You bitches are busy denying the facts but the truth is in...
..huh? no?!..
These cats spent ten minutes their verses and two hours on what excuse to bring...
..i'm way lost now..
You aint Mumra, don’t act like you keep your true power under wraps...
Your guys punches fizzle, mine bang like thunderclaps...
..self glory line. not too prefesional, yo..
These fags empathises with the Narnia kids, these bitches stuck in the closet too...
But both going to gay bars chasing Tails like Sonic two... good. blah @ gay joke, but executed nicely..
I'm circut city takin outt your shack...
Like Ja rule i love your beats but you guys are neva strong enough to clap back...
..yea, that was cool, but stretch'd like the fuck!!..

Ken 'Pho - ok, dude.. your shit was weak as hell man. you need to work on wording alot and definately want to work on the way you set up your punches. you need to learn how to word good and get your punches set up nicely, so that way when you execute them, they'll work effectively from start to finish of the joke. also, work on fresh/witty punches. get some new material and more original shit that people may have never seen before, ya know. structure was pretty good. just keep at yo.

Professor - aside from that bitten line, your shit was pretty good. not as bad as i expected. did pretty well on your part. work on wording and fresher concepts though. i see you know what your doing, but you need to just elevate some more and you'll be doing real well. got me, yo?

Wicked One - aiight, dope verse, but totally to be honest with you, that shit lost me at times and had me asking myself, WTF? i wasn't sure what you were doing with that verse. definately need to work on your structure. also, your lines were mad stretched. definately need to work on wording. i see you have the concepts, but wording is crucial in how to execute them nicely. you had the better verse of the three, but only for the whit and consistency. son, listen to me, if you work on wording your shit, and with being more consistent with fresher material, you'll be on fire, yo. keep at it bruva.

Vote/ Wicked One

hit mine up fairly, yo. thanx peeps.