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Old 02-04-06, 03:27 PM   #8
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Voted For: Venture

Venture is fallin off like a denture, skills you dont have see...
If you want to know if this guys whack, then just ask his AVY...
AVY punches are so newbish..
My wordplay holds you up, my punches jam you like busy traffic...
You might as well retire rap, and start learnin' to do graphics...
Like a nervous poker player its easy to read Ventures bluff well...
Sayin' that your good but readin' ya first line is enough to tell...
You tried to be an adventure but the dumby forgot how to spell it...
Claimin' that you the shit, we belive you, cuz we cant smell it...


you rep canada? no wonder no one respects ya country theres no1 u can beat,
he is the head of transportation....cuz hez gettin a ticket straight to defeat.*
Wordplay is allright..
you aint shit man, you have yet to show people here what youve got,
and when this dude said canadians cant rap, he was right on 'the dot'**
Meh...not bad..
you aint got no weight to carry yet you still fall short, he must be saddled,
how do you lose a battle....when you have never really battled?
Not really feeling..

Vote: Venture

Had some half decent lines as where T-Dot just dropped shit..