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Old 02-04-06, 04:53 PM   #7
Posts: 1,112
From: Right here.

Truth is your lines will show, and prove just how your mind is slow…
…but if humans are to live and learn…then Daubs died a long time ago good. this was dope..
Dumbfuck explain this, why show up to challenge my hateful diss
Your maths must be weak…see you cant even take a calculated risk… @ this. maybe better wording, but t'was dope..
RV looks good, but you spend so much time on it…leaving never…
You must have some good concepts…on how to make it look even better…
..lmao. that was nice..
Even on RB…I saw the detail in those graphics that you dropped...
…I mean they were spot on…not the sigs but the responses you got!*
..lmao again. nice..
And if you think you have a future in rap then fuck it, I have set ways…
Like when I destroy Quick-time…just to make sure you never get play!
..yea. aiight. weak, but not too bad..
Even though your taking this loss at gun-point, in the worst way bitch…
…it might be harsh but still isnt half as forced…as your fuckin wordplay is…..!
..ouch. that shit was hard and funny..


fuck gettin chicks...
you needa focus on gettin a life,and this kids right
you got wack punches wack aint slick,knife
..aiight. could've been more harsh, but aiight..
So heres how it is...
you spoke and your shamed...your a joke and your blamed
Id say put money where ya mouth is..
..but you'd choke on the change nice. this was dope..
i hope that your phased, ima hurt you and make you bleed
so why beat you with a stick..when i can beat you with ease
..ok, this concept wasn't bad, but it could've been worded better..
You beating me, please..your wack..but at text i like it
while you hate yourself, your verses prove you dislike,slick
..a lil forced, but it could work and was pretty good..
fuck no show....this is just a wack battle and a no contest
cos you searched TWO SITES and still came back with WACK concepts could've been worded some-what better, but affective..
pimp and prostitute are too haracters we could never call slick
cos penis lines are played but its known that asians have SMALL dicks
..lmfao @ this line if hes really asian. and yea, there play'd but this was funny just cause..

slicknife - yea. that was a dope verse all around. you obviously seem to know what your doing. nothing i really have to say for you to improve but just keep dropping like this.

daubs - wtf? i expected like, 10 times better than this. but you even said this shit was rushed, so i'll let you keep some points for that. as for the rest of that shit, it was weak if not play'd. just work on more fresh concepts. just work on more wittier shit.

Vote/ SlicKnife