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Old 02-04-06, 05:58 PM   #4
The Paragraph President
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Posts: 3,248
From: Sask, Canada

the beat is pretty dope, the piano sounds gay.....if it woulda had a better piano it would be cool. but it's not a big deal is it?

triple: you come in with a nice pressence and you form your voice nicely into the beat so it doesn't sound fucked up. your flow is solid like always and I always loved your voice, and for your hook it was fuckin dope, almost the best hook I've ever heard you do. overall trip I thought you did very well man.

hmm your pronounceation still needs work man, it sounds like you studder/mumble a lot of words still. put your voice out there more and use your tongue lol. thats your weakest point in my eyes man, work on it. your flow is pretty good and as was your delivery. lyrics were tight.

overall I liked this track a lot.

I don't jack beats; I borrow them.

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