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Old 02-06-06, 02:11 PM   #31
Mc Wicked
Mc Wicked's Avatar
Posts: 169
From: EastSide

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Meh.. You cats take this shit way too seriously...

I used to be a 50 hater... Then one day a while back... It hit me..

Why do I even care? 50 Cent is just an RnB style rapper whos ill with the hooks... You know whats really destroying hip hop? Its underground indie herbs that always wanna hate and bust out with their immature opinions critasising people who make music that is different to them...

People dont like what they dont understand... Personally.. I dont mind 50 cent at all anymore.... Music is music no matter what you think the status quo should live up to with rap... The facts are that the entire music industry is not what it used to be and untill little pseudo interlectual morons come to terms with the fact that things DO change, their only gonna keep getting constipated every time some new pop artist comes out and labels their music 'rap' without first gaining the respect of these little wanna-bes that think their dumbass opinions are so fucking important..

I say good for you 50... And I wish him luck with whatever he takes on in the future whether it be music related or not.... There are SUCH bigger fish to fry when it comes to candidates of rappers that require hating on...

dawg everyone has opinions..... so just cause the majority of us dont like sellout rap we should be all happy for 50 n shit cause hes deciding to retire.... Hell nah music wouldnt be music if people couldnt state there opinions.

and how is underground rappers destroying hip hop by posting opinions on an internet rap forum????? Yeah I can see the image of hip hop crumbuling because rappers on the internet think that 50/Game/eminem/G-unit/etc are horrible rappers

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Dipset totally fucken suck...

Get with the program dude...

^^^ now what the fuck is up with that?????? get ur hipicritical ass outa here

and Dipset (at least some of them) are way fuckin better than anything G-unit has to offer
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