Thread: H.D. vs twenty9
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Old 02-06-06, 11:33 PM   #11
Light Weight
*Antic*'s Avatar
Posts: 243

Voted For: H.D.

Vote - HD

better shit twenty9, you improvin' a bit, your shit is better, your last bar was not bad, got some more work to do...HD got ya.

Flow- different catz, different stylez, each one had their noticeable structure problems from either cat...didn't prefer one flow over the other...At first I thought HD stretched his bars, but his flow works, it's just fast.

Punches- HD threw some creative punches...this site tends to favor the whole "rip your skull out and fuck your mom" type punches, but HD did it in an ill way. Twenty9, you had some better heat, but still a far cry from devasting. Your last bar is a personal/punch...think about what you did in that bar, cuz it's on the right track. So HD takes Punches.

Personals- HD's drop is loaded with personals...almost overkill, but pretty good. Twenty9, think about what personals you could form off of HD, your last bar, again, is on the right track. HD took Personals.

Multis- not a stellar display from twenty9, but he had some rhymes that were multis, and some that were close, but HD took Multis with some good inner multis, and multis.

Wordplay- None.

HD took this one...a better showing from twenty9, but he still needs to work to elevate. RTF in my battle with Tech Skillz if yall haven't yet.
Overall Net Text Record ~ 30-12 w/24 K.O.s

Overall Net Audio Record ~ 3-3 w/ 3 K.O.s