Thread: H.D. vs twenty9
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Old 02-07-06, 03:08 AM   #10
Middle Weight
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Posts: 490
From: Raven's Nest

Originally Posted by Tech Skillz
Voted For: twenty9

i have to give this to twenty.....yo h.d. you have to be lying about your awards or that's the wackes sites ever since your shit definately doesn't deserve any awards at all. twenty, you came real weak. but at least your shit rhymed and had a punch in there...both need to elevate

due go re-read my verse shit rhymes althrough-out... all of my verses rhyme all through out I really don't understand how you didn't see that... Rhyming with just the last word in everyline is soo played out... now go re-read my verse and say it out loud... and notice the difference.


Spilled Inc.

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