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Old 02-08-06, 03:51 PM   #11
Light Weight
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Posts: 243

Voted For: H.D.

Vote - HD

decent's how I saw it.

Flow and Multis- both catz had good flow, used multis in their flows, not bad. I thought HD had a slightly more complex use of rhyme and multis in his flow, and it was structured better, so HD took Flow. Both catz had some fairly complex multis, none topped the other.

Punches- decent punches from both, I thought showtime had that bar with the 'write on your papercuts' that was a visceral hard hittin punch, but the rest of his punches didn't land as hard. HD had straight up violent punches, and they hit harder, I thought, so HD takes punches.

Personals - The personals in this battle were alright, nothing amazing. HD had more personals than Showtime, so he gets it. The "HD" TV line was funny, but Showtime didn't come with anything else personal.

Wordplay- None.

Close battle...HD came slightly harder, had some better punches with some alright personals, so he took it.

Overall Net Text Record ~ 30-12 w/24 K.O.s

Overall Net Audio Record ~ 3-3 w/ 3 K.O.s