Thread: The Patriot Act
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Old 02-09-06, 08:24 PM   #6
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
the ideal government is one where we dont need a leader... one where there is no Ruler of the land and of the people... one where we are all equal....

live and let live... love , peace and respect your neighbors... thats all...

what in the helll is so hard about that???

You're talking about anarchy and only an idiot would think that would actually work. Anarchy would cause complete chaos. With no laws WHAT MAKES YOU THINK that people who aren't financially stable would just stay that way? I know that if I could barely afford to feed my family, I would go to some rich person's house.. shoot them in the face.. and move my family in. And, the worst thing about that is.. I'd be allowed to do that. That also means that somebody could just come up and shoot me in the face and have it all be cool. THAT WOULD NEVER WORK. You can say, "Well, if we all had morals. . ." but what the fuck? You can't just expect everybody is going to sit in a circle and sing Koombieahh. It doesn't work that way.

Anarchy would never work, and that suggestion alones proves your stupidity.
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