Thread: The Patriot Act
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Old 02-10-06, 02:24 PM   #12
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Compose
I believe in society everything should be free (no im not sayin this just because i would want this and that etc. no, it would actually work), poor people wouldnt be shooting rich because they wouldnt be jealous/be poor since theyd have everything

everyone would have everything they your returning argument might be what about doctors who go to school and work hard to make more money...and my response is thats whats wrong with the world today, doctors go to school and work hard to become doctors for the MONEY, they dont do it to help people i figure, if everyone has everything they want, everyone is happy...and now doctors will actually do it to help people and not just for the money like it is now.

There is no way in hell that would work. People with jobs that are hard to learn and hard to do would never settle for doing all of that shit only so a guy who drives a streetsweeper every Sunday can get the same benefits. Nobody is going to go to college and extra training or extra school after that so a high school drop out can get everything for free.

You can try and think up this perfect utopia where everyone is happy, but hey.. THAT'S NOW HOW THE WORLD WORKS. That's not how people think, and that's not how people will act. Shit just doesn't work that way. Your suggestion has never happened and will never happen because shit just doesn't work out.
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