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Old 02-11-06, 02:05 PM   #56
The Original Half Ass King
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Posts: 5,165
From: Canada

My Breif Rundown:

LFS - Had some pretty alright stuff
Red Bull - Just bought his mic, recorded while his family was sleeping, had good material but it was super hard to hear.
Fux - *died* LOL...he be speakin truth


Will - His opening sneeze was funny, voice/laugh cracks me up, content was kind blah
Hopes - Kinda weak, didnt know what to say, his freestyle at the end is what saved him from being completly blahhh, clip of convo with risby was kinda funny/creative, shoulda tried a bit harder with your 4 minutes of fame
Kol-B - Creative with the audio stuff, funny ass material, power rangers stuff was good, captain crunch = random humor which I like.

Props to both tribes for taking part in this thing tho, I was honestly feeling both tribes material in different ways. I hope everyone had fun and enjoys listening to each others stand up. Im talking to rev right now and we will determine a winner.

Good Luck, and big props to yall.