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Old 02-11-06, 09:50 PM   #18
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

The Bible to me seems like something used back then to get people to not kill themselves or be killers, because if you plan on killing people then yourself, you have nothing to lose. With the Bible, you get tortured forever and ever if you kill someone or yourself.

Christians can be incredibly dense sometimes. If they tried to force me to pray, I'd fucking sue my school. I'm not necessarily an atheist, but the idea of the christian God does not apply to my beliefs. I think it's kind of sad how people survive cancer or something and they say it was a miracle from God, but they can't understand it was THEM who gave them the strength to live on. They don't see that they were the ones who survived something, not because they prayed, but because they had the will to survive. Religion has its pros and cons --- cons namely being the Crusades and Spanish Inquisitions, and the pros being that people are scared shitless to sin or else they burn forever.

Seriously, if Christians forced our schools to pray, I would be pissed as fuck. I can handle doing the Pledge of Allegiance, that's me honoring the people who have ensured that our country survives, and their bravery is the foundation of America. Sadly, the brave mostly died in events like the Civil War, which showed people 'America will do anything to protect itself', but then a good deal of the people who had a sense of honor were killed.

The world is sad. - emo. -
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