Thread: Jesus is fake.
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Old 02-12-06, 05:38 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Jesus is not fake.. What IS fake is the church making up a bunch of lies about him to portray him as a deity when he was infact a human prophet that started a religion.

You have to realise that the majority of things the church says about jesus did not come from Jesus himself, but actually came from the currupted church many years past his lifetime to ensure there was an aura about the character of jesus in order to obtain the large following they have today.

See religious people are out for power. The majority of all prophets and mesiahs spanning accross history only ever use their power and influence for their own personal gain. These people are called false prophets. Jesus could not have been further from this.

Jesus wasnt even a Mesiah. It wasnt in his nature. A mesiah is a religious military leader, not a man speaking to his people in order to teach them and help them understand the world on new levels. That is the work of a prophet. See what people fail to realise is that the church do not teach the truth about Jesus or religion for that matter.

Religions in general basically use the name of a largly accepted prophet to become powerful and create jobs for people who preach the word of that prophet and often not only make false rules for their followers as a show of power, but also lie to the shit about their prophets and pretend that they were not human. Which just isnt the case.

Religions prey on the weak minded and give them a sense of belonging. Which is actually not a bad thing.. A lot of people cannot understand the world themselves and require to be told about things from other people.. But this does not make everything the church says correct. And a lot of people become so extremily attached to the church that they will defend it with their lives if nessecary.

But aside from that. Jesus WAS an extremily intelligent and well spoken prophet/philosopher and he acomplished great feats within his lifetime. Anyone who tries to discredit him based on proporganda spread by the church obviously doesent really know what their talking about...

Yes i do agree to this.

Also with all those new bibles its hard to believe anything now.
em ur mother is a crack whore kims a known slut so whats halie goin to be when she grews up?
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