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Old 02-13-06, 07:28 PM   #21
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From: memphis

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
Wow, you dont' seem to understand a thing I said. I don't believe that God, if he exists, gives anyone the will to survive. My argument is based off the fact people think that God allows them to live when they are the ones who have the power.

Also, I know what the civil war was about, don't act like I'm a moron. I said IT WAS THAT IT KILLED OFF A GOOD DEAL OF THE BRAVE PEOPLE. Did I say anything about the winners losing more brave people than the others? No. How about you learn to read before saying that I don't know what I'm talking about?

I don't rant about what I don't know about, if that's what you're trying to say. I know most of the major battles, the advantages and disadvantages, capitals, presidents on both sides, a large number of nicknames, etcetra...I don't debate about things I don't know, pal. I know about sins and all that, things created back then to instill fear into people who thought they could find peace in death, and how people can repent and whatnot. Don't try to call me ignorant unless it's actual ignorance I'm showing and not what you believe is ignorance. I'm thinking a lot deeper than you most likely, because pretty much the only christian defense is 'God works in mysterious ways' and 'logic is a thing used to destroy your faith, and it's all a test'. Maybe you're not thinking deep enough to find the evident flaws of the christian religion? Do you not realize how much harm christianity has done, anyway?

Really, I am beyond tired of christians with 'unshakable faith'.

lmao, this is funny..because you claim i didn't understand what you said, when yet i showed complete 100% understanding, and had the ability to shoot it down.

here we go again, i really hate repeating myself..

people have power to do lot's of things....if someone survives cancer, it is not a miracle that they survived, it is a miracle that they had the will to survive, because it's the rareness of having such a tremendous will to live to beat a thing like cancer, that makes it infact a miracle. Such a determined mindset, could be a gift from a greater being, or divine being. That cannot even be argued against.

And i will act like your a moron, if your going to act like one. Your example of Americas foundation was possibly the worst one. The civil war is an example of how we're willing to kill over difference of belief, even if it's eachother we're killing. The people in the north were not fighting for eqaullity, they were fighting to free the slaves, for there own selfish purposes. 95% of the north agreed with the south on one thing, and that was that blacks were lesser beings than whites. The north had there own selfish agenda in freeing the slaves. The idea behind ending slavery had a big role in the taxation of our appearance as humanitarians..and the idea that you could not put a tax on human life, and getting benefits for free, hurt the economy more than anything. Money and economy is about circulation, if you contribue nothing, and have people work for free, at the same time..using resources...your hurting the economy....don't tell me to fucking read before i say anything, i read what you said, it was completely uneducated, and had no substance what so ever.

And you are extremely ignorant, straight up...because i'm not a christian, i'm just extremely educated, and know what I'm talking about...and sins were not created to instill fear, they were created to keep order, the idea of a sin was INSTILLED with the emotion of FEAR, but it's purpose was to keep order and peace. I'm far from a christian, I belive in a God, not The God....and the idea of religion is abstract, and you say it's saikd Logic is used to destroy faith, when profound logic, is infact, the ability to explain and understand things we know as you see, there synonomous.......all I have to say to destroy someones "unshakeable faith" is this..."if you believe God's power is infinite, than explain to me why he can't make a boulder, too big for him to move....because if he can make such a boulder, than obviously his strength is not infinite, and if his strength is infinite, than it'd be impossible to create a boulder big enough, because no matter what..he can lift it."

there are a million flaws of the christian religion, and i bet i know about 999,999 more than you do...and every religion has caused harm...because every religion is used as a bragging right, and a means to seperate them from the rest of the world, religion isn't a way of life for most, it is a way to say.."fuck you, i'm better, because your not a christian"....and thats not what it was meant to be think your deep, because you've discovered contradictions in the bible, that disproves most christians me, thats not deep, thats called reading comprehension....and i hate to break it to you, but that makes your thought process average...your ignorance will only be proven by disagreeing with everything i've said, because if you don't get it yet..your mind is not near as open as you would like to think it is
Seek & Destroy
We have fun in my basement

Time is not long, and indecision is hells cemment. So the well is rented, untill heaven is relevant. Untill then, to be eloquent, sex cells, so le'ts cellibate.

"watch what you keeps feedin' us toxin's..stop sleepin' start thinkin outside of the box and unplug from the matrix doctrine....but watch what you say cause big brother is watchin" - nas - sly fox

The I.H.C.J.S.F.M.T.R.H.P.M.M.W.T.S.M.S.I.T.F.F.W.A.S. O Crew
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