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Old 02-13-06, 08:04 PM   #22
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Let me address what I did say.

1.) They say the civil war showed America had the will to defend itself and that the citizens would do anything to insure such, but then the ones who ended up being hte bravest died. Let's look over what I said:

Sadly, the brave mostly died in events like the Civil War, which showed people 'America will do anything to protect itself', but then a good deal of the people who had a sense of honor were killed.

Notice how I don't mention slavery whatsoever, or blacks at all. Tell me where I said anything about the economy. Tell me where I said anything about the 99% of that bullshit you were rambling about. Putting words in my mouth. I said their bravery, like the bravery of others, is the foundation that supported America, and I was using it as an example. Not the best example, I could've used the Revolution, but it doesn't fucking matter. I also said people who had a sense of honor and bravery were killed when being brave, trying to be heroes and whatnot. Does that relate to

The civil war is an example of how we're willing to kill over difference of belief, even if it's eachother we're killing. The people in the north were not fighting for eqaullity, they were fighting to free the slaves, for there own selfish purposes. 95% of the north agreed with the south on one thing, and that was that blacks were lesser beings than whites. The north had there own selfish agenda in freeing the slaves. The idea behind ending slavery had a big role in the taxation of our appearance as humanitarians..and the idea that you could not put a tax on human life, and getting benefits for free, hurt the economy more than anything. Money and economy is about circulation, if you contribue nothing, and have people work for free, at the same time..using resources...your hurting the economy....don't tell me to fucking read before i say anything, i read what you said, it was completely uneducated, and had no substance what so ever.

At all? Was I talking about the people who were the ones in higher power that made the Civil War occur? I was talking about the people who fought in it because of their nationalism and honor, not about the provoking and all of that associated with the people who didn't actually fight the battles. What a waste of you type a paragraph that does not relate to this.

2.) It is arguable that there was divine intervention that helped them survive. Saying that having the will to survive is from divine intervention is stupid. Miracles occur, and not all miracles come from a higher being.

3.) And you are extremely ignorant, straight up...because i'm not a christian, i'm just extremely educated, and know what I'm talking about...and sins were not created to instill fear, they were created to keep order, the idea of a sin was INSTILLED with the emotion of FEAR, but it's purpose was to keep order and peace.

This goes hand in hand with what I said. They instilled fear to keep order and peace. Saying 'they were made to instill fear' means basically to bend people's will, which would bend them to maintaining order and peace. Basically, what I've quoted here is you saying things not related or just saying the same thing I did.

4.) there are a million flaws of the christian religion, and i bet i know about 999,999 more than you do...and every religion has caused harm...
Which would mean I know one...which is retarded for you to say. And no, you don't know much more than I do.

because every religion is used as a bragging right, and a means to seperate them from the rest of the world, religion isn't a way of life for most, it is a way to say.."fuck you, i'm better, because your not a christian"....and thats not what it was meant to be like....
...I don't recall ever mentioning anything at all about it NOT being a bragging right...what the fuck are you talking about?

you think your deep, because you've discovered contradictions in the bible, that disproves most christians me, thats not deep, thats called reading comprehension....
I have reading comprehension, but guess what, this is one of the things that I know about...that's like me saying 'well, you're pretty smart' when you score good on a science test. Once you've read through all my memories, you can tell me how deep I am.

and i hate to break it to you, but that makes your thought process average...your ignorance will only be proven by disagreeing with everything i've said, because if you don't get it yet..your mind is not near as open as you would like to think it is
And I hate to break it to you, but basically what you've been saying has nothing to do with what I've said, it's based off something we can prove right or wrong(ie. God), or is you sitting there probing an example and going off on some new direction(slavery) that I wasn't talking about.

5.) all I have to say to destroy someones "unshakeable faith" is this..."if you believe God's power is infinite, than explain to me why he can't make a boulder, too big for him to move....because if he can make such a boulder, than obviously his strength is not infinite, and if his strength is infinite, than it'd be impossible to create a boulder big enough, because no matter what..he can lift it."
...Thanks for the insightful view on how to discourage faith. A lot of people with unshakable faith tend to be idiots anyway, and I've tried different methods than that to explain to people why having a fundamentalist view is retarded.

I have also mentioned several times throughout different threads I believe in a higher being that is not the christian God, so we're on the same level as that.

And I hate repeating myself as well. Let's end it on the notes that:

1.) slavery is bad.
2.) christianity has a lot of fuckups.
3.) miracles are not necessarily from a divine being.
4.) some other shit.

Man, debates are such a big fucking waste of time...
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