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Old 02-14-06, 05:19 PM   #27
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

The civil war started off to preserve the union, and if the South had one America would not still be America, but the Union and the Confederate States of America. It wasn't considered to be for black rights until later on. Want me to pull up the facts where it says that the civil war was made to keep the country intact, and the South was fighting for their freedom while the North was fighting to spread their way of life. Is that enough substance for you? The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't made until around what, 1862 or 1863? If not just so that blacks could enlist into the army and the anti-slave countries in Europe wouldn't send in their navy forces to annihilate the blockade the Union set up? At that time, the Deep South was an independent country, the Confederate States of America, and they had their own president and constitution. So, yes, they were fighting to protect their OWN country, and the North was invading them, and then the South began invading as well. So, you can't say that was not a time that showed how we will fight for our right and that a lot of brave people fought during that time. Do I need more substance for you? I didn't contradict myself, because the Civil War wasn't entirely about slavery. The entire end of slavery thing was a bribe anyway, giving the South and ultimatum to rejoin the Union or else give upt heir slaves. Maybe next time I'll be incredibly specific with my answers, foreseeing all possible debates in the future...want me to change that to 'the Civil War, before the Emanc. Proc., showed that the americans would do what they could to preserve their own liberty, and that is why I honor them because they were citizens fighting for their country, which was actually not much of a country though it had a president and constitution, so I respect the people who died by showing their bravery in the form of dying for their independence'. Good enough for you?
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