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Old 02-16-06, 09:29 AM   #1
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Posts: 51
The Broken Mirror


There I am looking back at my own reflection thru the glass
hoping so intensely that my future is clearer than the past
…Few years fucking in oblivion blurred, masked behind cloud
obscure omens clutter my path, I seek refuge under the shroud
Far from the harshness of realism, beyond all realms of indifference
…using telepathy as anew figure-of-speech and significance
A distant land beckons me, still I’m turned in reverse by destiny
…in the shape of icy threats and verbal WordPerfect weaponry
It makes no difference to me between one conception & the next
my rhymes roll on, like one big continuous conundrum of stress

I reveal hits, my will to live breaking thru brick-walls wit steel-fists
ya’ll cats feel it, I spill true-life, make truth stick n hit fans wit real shit
Fools slip on my words, it’s diabolic, and politics get on the nerves
I could flip on the verge of a chronic sickness n let rip on the Earth
Defend my grim bones spitting fire & brimstone, hotness is brewing
then scrape my eyes from their sockets so I’ll no longer witness the ruin
Stomping over concrete cracks, the street collapses in my aftermath
…I pen in a fever as I complete the last chapters of my epitaph.
Here lies the spirit of a soldier sunken in drunken fits of anger
I stare back at the mirror, my vision freezes over; it’s a cliff-hanger

………………To be continued

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