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Old 02-18-06, 11:12 PM   #24
a.k.a prozak
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Posts: 2,177
From: your walkman

Originally Posted by leady
me? threatened? by you?? LMFAO thats the funniest shit ive heard in a long time.

end of the day, you look like a proper chief, thats all im saying, i dont like chief's and like efecx and soulja said, u just look like sum1 ud see in the street and instantly wanna smack.

and if you dont give a fuck, why reply twice with 2 huge fuckin paragraphs???

fucking muppet.

cuz i dont let people talk shit to me but on the net there aint much u can fuckin do but type paragraphs so why u think im gon let some lil punk millions of miles away downtalk me??? u just a muthafuckin coward that cant do shit in real life so u start beef ta talk shit and feel better bout urself cuz u feel like u can stomp me...fuck u..ur musics a joke, this sites a joke, and ur a joke...atleast i aint postin my ugly ass pic up in my sig..and why would i give a fuck if someone wants ta just hit me after seeing me just tells me they pussies that cant get shit outta life so they start talking shit ta feel better if u notice i just type shit back..and so what if i type paragraphs im just speaking my muthafuckin mind i never have any intention ta make my shit so big i just type whatever i fuckin think..i dont give a fuck but i dont back down from fights unless they squashed
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