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Old 02-23-06, 01:50 PM   #1
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036
Hip Hop as a family...who're the matriarchs/patriarchs


1st off, I love rap music. I love hip hop culture. I'm not into all aspects of the culture as much as others, but I can respect those who are. Personally, I relate more to the actual music of hip hop than grafiti, dress, breakin, or other elements. It's the music that I feel in love with first and foremost. That brings me to the point of this thread. I am pissed at recent attempts of old heads to "define" rap. Here's my problem. When rap first hit the scene in the late 70s, early 80s, it was all about reppin your set, yourself, and your skills. Rap has evolved to emcompass many forms and topics of dicussion. Don't get me wrong, I believe in respecting those who have come before me. That's a must. However, those people can be wrong. And, in my opinion, they are wrong in this instance. Rap is somewhat one dimensional on the radio. When I turn it on, I almost immediately turn it off. Most of what I hear is catered toward young, impetuous teens who are obsessed with bling. I would also like to hear different forms of rap, WHATEVER they are. These old-heads who claim to "represent rap" are merely using the current denigration of the art as a means to promote their own agendas. I wonder just how much homo hop those "elders in rap" bump. I wonder how much Christian rap they push on their labels. I wonder how much true "underground" rap they encourage people to make. See, when it comes down to it, it's all about the bottom line. It's about the almighty green dollar. If a gay rapper comes out with a dope ass LP, most str8 guys would be afraid to buy it or even bump it for fear of being labeled "gay" or "homo". It's the same reason "Brokeback Mountain" only took in 70 million dollars in the U.S. when "Titanic", another love story, but between the traditional man and woman, took in almost a billion dollars. "Brokeback Mountain" is receiving critical acclaim everywhere. It's being honored and deserves everything it gets. It's a story about love and matters of the heart. And, anyone who watches that movie and claims they didn't see the point doesn't have a heart to begin with. Maybe they should stay sheltered. My point is, there are some great underground rappers out there. There are ALL TYPES of rap out there. I fear that these "elders in rap" will exclude certain forms in their quest to broaden the scope of rap. It's ironic and the affect is adverse. I don't feel they own rap. I don't feel the labels should own rap, but they do. The people have a voice though. Give us a choice. Have different hours for when certain types of rap are played. For example, they could have a homo hop night, or a christian rap hour. WHat's wrong with that? Give me as a lover of rap a choice. And, if someone doesn't want to listen to a certain genre of rap, they're certainly free to turn it off or not turn it on to begin with.

Rap can not be contained. It is a free artform. ANyone has a right to represent themselves using that genre. I just wish people would stop being fake and trying to perpetuate their own agendas.

Give me a choice.
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