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Old 02-23-06, 09:21 PM   #13
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by Serbness
All fags are soft.

thats a fact.

1st off...Fag isn't a synonym for gay...recognize that...Someone can be str8 and be a know, the kind that get their ass kicked every day at school

Most gay guys are your normal, average joe on the street. They work and go to school and do everything just like you do. If you are over 18 years old, then I'll accept the fact that you're simply a homophobic bigot. If you are under 18, and I hope to God you are, then I'll chalk it up to your immaturity. Most gay guys are depicted as sissies and fairies. The truth, however, is that most guys who are gay or bi act/look/dress just like any other guy.

Again, I still wonder about something. How is a homosexual a threat to you if they are minding their business? Seems to me like you're intimidated since this entire thread was about certain "real" gay guys at your school.

ehh ehh
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