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Old 02-24-06, 08:05 PM   #30
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From: sacramento

Originally Posted by Apexx
lol, no, definitely no shrooms. I just finally see the big picture. I'm not on anything with any religion, no kids (thought I now feel like one again), no new lover (thougt I've gotten more affections and company from females now than I've ever gotten). I just have better vision. But did you notice how we're automatically programmed to expect something outside of makes us happy?

Shrooms = from the outside. That'd be believable.
Kid = from the outside. Believable.
Lover's affection = from the outside. Believable.

Enlightenment = from the Inside. That's unbelievable?

Just the world we live in.

And the reason that I made this thread is because hopefully it'll show someone a step on a path to making their own self truely happy and actually enjoying their life, instead of being miserable and slaving their years away to please someone else.

i aint tryna diss you or anything... but you sound like a guy who is all cought up in a colt or offense.....

but whats hella wierd is when i read it i can hella hear the bliss your feeling and your hella calm and shit all the time.... wierd shit
my MYSPACE is Better than Yours
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