Thread: F*** the POLICE
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Old 02-28-06, 12:34 PM   #21
Tha Q.
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Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy
first off u n i dont know if the truck was heading toward the officer wit malicious intent or not so we cant really giv an opinion if wasnt them oviously the officer shud be jailed for life and if it was he had every right to shoot

but honestly Q if your whole family was gettin murdered wud u not call them???wud u not talk to them after???people forget all the shit that they do thats good

ive alwasy came to the conclusion bout cops that if its u that is the victim they koo and they can help u alot but if not that they are pricks to u

If my family was "getting" murdered, calling the police would be pointless. By the time they arrived, it would be too late. If I was a homeowner and had a family, I would make provisions to protect myself and my family. Police would only be called for the sake of formality and logistics. THink about it, police always claim they are "afraid" for their lives. That's funny considering they are the ones with the guns.
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