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Old 02-28-06, 12:51 PM   #11
Middle Weight
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Posts: 490
From: Raven's Nest

hmmmm I musta not read what these other peeps did... cuase 1st off ya verses were just too damned short... the hook was decent but it's easy to stay on topic with verses this short... and even then other than constant multies... I didn't see anything too impressive... yeah there is alot of vocab stuffed in... however un-neededly it's like you did it solely to impresss... and if you really want to get the point across the title implies... why in the hell would you use an extended vocab?

"y'alls lives...all while your alive"

^ that quite possible is the most redundant thing I've ever read... what is the alternative to kill them while their dead? ... *smh* yeah so I'm just not feeling this... it's too short, there are stupid segments in this, and I just expect better form someone callin' himself the OM king


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