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Old 03-02-06, 12:28 PM   #6
Posts: 6,178

My frame explodes with pain, I fall as my heart stings
And brings me to the point of blackout as my cellphone rings
Into the inky blackness inflicted by this single pitfall
Confused my eyes open once again to view a missed call

Bu-Bump Bum-Bump Bump-Bump....Bump Bump

I remove my hand no longer feeling the need to caress
The electronic beast controlling the pounding in my chest
I feel far....oh so far from life is fucked
But there's no one whom to pass the buck to, but blasted luck
The son of a bitch called life cursed me with this pain and strife
Eventually, like a knife slice, the cellphone'll claim my life


It's not as simple as that, i can't leave my phone at home
Cos i'm all alone and if something happens....
I need to contact someone, hopefully my son
Who would run and come and find me when i'm physically stackin

A sense of dread comes across my mind, I'm in a high state
Of petrification as i feel my phone vibrate....

Bump Bump....Bum-Bump Bu-Bump Bu-Bump

My BP rises, catching me by surprise and shock
The fear of no bodily control has my eyes on lock
Intensely terrified, my heart begins to thump
Pacemaker malfunction now my body starts to slump
Into the corner, I feel a sudden sense of peace
My eyebrows crease in confusion, my sense's? I'm losing them
In front of my eyes I see myself there deceased
I see smoke rise from my chest as crowds arrive
Where the fuck were they when i was desperate to keep my life?

My cellphone rings i look and it all makes sense, I nod
The name showing on the caller ID reads "God"